Sickness and the Paranormal

February 7, 2010

I was ill yesterday. Still in recovery from my 1/15 sinus surgery, I was running a fever and experiencing what is probably a sinus infection (I see the doctor soon). I’m out of the danger zone for sugery-related meningitis, but it was pretty rough. The severe sinus headache went all migraine and next thing I knew, I was praying to the porcelain god as though I’d been enjoying whiskey instead of Carnation Instant Breakfast just a few hours earlier.

I had trouble sleeping during the illness event, but when I did sleep, the dreams were vivid. Let’s look at what was affecting the dreams:

  • Illness
  • Medication
  • Oversleeping
  • Other goings-on in the room as my husband was awake and moving around quietly

I definitely had some dreams which may or may not have been paranormal, but it’s tough to say considering the other things were influencing me. I am in a location with confirmed activity, so the odds aren’t impossible. A lot of other people have been sick (and have passed away) in this home over the years. Sometimes I wonder if that’s a reason to sell the house–then I remember that these people were loving members of my husband’s family. Still, it’s weird to feel watched sometimes. Read the rest of this entry »